Wellington Info

Posted by on October 22, 2012 in Blog, Community Projects, Our Friends and Sponsors | 0 comments

Wellington Info

WellingtonINFO, is a non-profit organization, which aim it is to share information and through the involvement of the whole community create an environment where it is safe to live, work and do business.

How can I or my community organization get involved, or place information on the WellingtonINFO website and what does it cost?

ANY Community Organization (this includes committees, community projects, associations, etc.) Within the Drakenstein Municipal Area (Wellington, Paarl, Sharon) can place its details FREE on the website of WellingtonINFO, this includes placing photos, activities and contact details etc. For more information send an email to attie@wellingtoninfo.co.za. Visit the website.


WellingtonINFO is, ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie, wat ten doel het om deur middel van gemeenskap – betrokkenheid en die deel van inligting, ’n omgewing te skep waarin dit veilig is om te woon, werk en besigheid te doen.

Hoe kan ek of die gemeenskapsorganisasie waar ek betrokke is, inligting plaas op die WellingtonINFO webtuiste en wat kos dit?

ENIGE Gemeenskapsorganisasie (dit sluit in, komitees, gemeenskapsprojekte, verenigings, ens.)  binne die Drakenstein Munisipale Area (Wellington, Paarl, Saron)  kan sy besonderhede GRATIS plaas op die webtuiste van WellingtonINFO, dit sluit in die plaas van foto’s, aktiwiteite en kontakbesonderhede ens. Stuur slegs ‘n epos na attie@wellingtoninfo.co.za  vir meer besonderhede.

Besoek die webwerf.

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